Hindi OCR is a free Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that can convert Image to Text. This text can be extracted from Images or Scanned documents. Extracted text can be easily formatted, searched, translated or Indexed.
Hindi OCR is 100% free with unlimited uploads without any registration.
Hindi OCR also works with Multiple Image Selected
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, it is a technology that is used to detect and recognize text from images or scanned documents.
You can perform following tasks with our Hindi OCR tool.
You can save the output text in Text file, or Word file. You can also copy the text and share on social networks or any other app. By click you can hear the text output.
If you want to Convert an image with English Text, you can use our English Image to Text.
You can translate the Hindi OCR output to English using our Hindi to English Translation tool.
Set website preferences and they will be stored for your next visit.
Select light or dark mode.